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---+!! TWiki User Reports <div style="float:right; background-color:#EBEEF0; margin:0 0 20px 20px; padding: 0 10px 0 10px;"> %TOC{ title="Page contents" depth="2" }% </div> This page contains user reports you can use in TWiki application. Create appealing TWiki applications in a no time! Reports are of format =%<nop>USERREPORT{ action="..." ... }%=, where the action determines the kind of report. Each report supports additional parameters. ---++ Action: user_list Show a simple list of registered users. The output is a comma-space delimited sorted list of WikiWords of users (without web prefix), which can be used as input for other reports on this page. * Action "user_list": Show a list of users as comma-space delimited list of !WikiWords. * Parameter =search=: Apply filter by searching all form fields, but not the main topic text. Optional; all users are returned if missing. * Parameter =limit=: Limits the number of users returned. Optional; all users are returned if missing. * Parameter =sort=: Sort the result by the topic name, topic creation date, last modified date, last editor, or named field of TWikiForms. For details see =sort= parameter of [[VarSEARCH][SEARCH]]. * Parameter =reverse=: Reverse the direction of the search result This report also sets a ="UserReports_users"= variable to the number of users found. To retrieve, write =%<nop>GET{UserReports_users}%=. <div style="display:none;"> * Set limit = 100 <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{"user_list" disablefixlinks="on"}%%SET{ "UserReports_users" value="0" }%%SET{ "UserReports_%IF{ "defined 'limit'" then="%limit%" else="all" }%_users" value="%SEARCH{ "META:FORM.*[U]serForm%IF{ "defined 'search'" then=";META:FIELD.*value=.*$percntsearch$percnt" }%" web="%USERSWEB%" type="regex" limit="%IF{ "defined 'limit'" then="%limit%" }%" sort="%IF{ "defined 'sort'" then="%sort%" }%" reverse="%IF{ "defined 'reverse'" then="%reverse%" }%" nonoise="on" excludetopic="UserList*, *Template" format="$topic" separator=", " footer="$percntSET{ \"UserReports_users\" value=\"$ntopics\" }$percnt" }%" }%%GET{UserReports_%IF{ "defined 'limit'" then="%limit%" else="all" }%_users}%%ENDSECTION{user_list}% <!--==============================================--> %SET{ "UserReports_5_users" value="%CALCULATE{$LISTTRUNCATE(5, %GET{UserReports_100_users}%)}%" }% </div> *Usage example:* <pre> %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="user_list" search="jane" limit="5" }% </pre> *Sample output:* %BR% <noautolink> %GET{UserReports_5_users}% </noautolink> ---++ Action: profile_picture Show the profile picture image of a user. A default image is returned in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user. The output is an =<img />= tag that can be embedded in other tags such as links. * Action "profile_picture": Show the profile picture image of a user. * Parameter =user=: !WikiWord of user, required. * Parameter =width=: Width of image, optional. * Parameter =height=: Height of image, optional. The aspect ratio is preserved unless width and height are specified. If width and height are missing, a height of 100 pixels is used. * Parameter =title=: Title parameter of img tag, optional. *Usage example:* <pre> %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="profile_picture" user="%WIKINAME%" height="40" title="%WIKINAME%" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="profile_picture" user="AmandaBoris" height="40" title="AmandaBoris" }% </pre> *Sample output:* %BR% <noautolink> %USERREPORT{ action="profile_picture" user="%WIKINAME%" height="40" title="%WIKINAME%" }% %CALCULATE{$LISTJOIN($sp, $LISTMAP( $NOP(%)INCLUDE{ "%SYSTEMWEB%.UserReports" section="profile_picture" user="$item" height="40" title="$item" }$NOP(%), %GET{UserReports_5_users}%))}% </noautolink> <div style="display:none;"> <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{"profile_picture"}%<img src="%IF{ "'%FORMFIELD{ "Image" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%'!=''" then='%PUBURLPATH%/%USERSWEB%/%user%/%FORMFIELD{ "Image" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%' else='%PUBURLPATH%/%USERSWEB%/UserProfileHeader/default-user-profile.jpg' }%" %IF{ "defined 'width'" then="width=\"%width%\" " }%%IF{ "defined 'height'" then="height=\"%height%\" " }%%IF{ "NOT defined 'width' AND NOT defined 'height'" then="height=\"100\" " }%alt="%user%" title="%IF{ "defined 'title'" then="%title%" }%" border="0" />%ENDSECTION{"profile_picture"}% <!--==============================================--> </div> ---++ Action: user_sig Show a user signature with profile picture, optionally followed by a date or other text. A default image is shown in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user. * Action "user_sig": Show a user signature with profile picture. * Parameter =user=: !WikiWord of user, required. Optionally followed by a date or other text. * Parameter =width=: Width of image, optional. * Parameter =height=: Height of image, optional. The aspect ratio is preserved unless width and height are specified. If width and height are missing, a height of 18 pixels is used. In addition, a USERSIG preferences setting is defined as a shortcut, so that a simple =%<nop>USERSIG{%WIKINAME%}%= can be used. *Usage example:* <pre> -- %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="user_sig" user="%WIKINAME% - %DATE%" }% -- %<nop>USERSIG{%WIKINAME%}% -- %<nop>USERSIG{%WIKINAME% - %DATE%}% </pre> *Sample output:* %BR% -- %USERREPORT{ action="user_sig" user="%WIKINAME% - %DATE%" }% -- %USERSIG{%WIKINAME%}% -- %USERSIG{%WIKINAME% - %DATE%}% <div style="display:none;"> <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{"user_sig"}%%CALCULATE{$SET(sPos, $FIND( , %user%))$IF($GET(sPos)>0, $SET(sUser, $LEFTSTRING(%user%, $GET(sPos)))$SET(sExtra, $RIGHTSTRING(%user%, $INT($LENGTH(%user%)-$GET(sPos)))), $SET(sUser, %user%)$SET(sExtra,))$SET(sPos, $FIND(., $GET(sUser)))$IF($GET(sPos)>0, $SET(sUser, $RIGHTSTRING($GET(sUser), $INT($LENGTH($GET(sUser))-$GET(sPos)))),)$IF($EXACT($GET(sUserSigStyleSet),),<style> .userReportsSig { display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; padding: 0 2px 0 0; border: 1px solid #e8e8eb; background-color: #f4f4fa; -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #e8e8e8; -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #e8e8e8; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #e8e8e8; -moz-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; } .userReportsSig a:link { border: 0 none; } .userReportsSig img { vertical-align: middle; } .userReportsBubble { position: absolute; background-image: url(%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/UserReports/faded-bubble.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; margin-top: -57px; margin-left: -18px; width: 920px; height: 90px; z-index: -1; } </style>$SET(sUserSigStyleSet, 1))}%<span class="userReportsSig"> [[%USERSWEB%.%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%][<img src="%IF{ "'%FORMFIELD{ "Image" topic="%USERSWEB%.%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%" }%'!=''" then='%PUBURLPATH%/%USERSWEB%/%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%/%FORMFIELD{ "Image" topic="%USERSWEB%.%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%" }%' else='%PUBURLPATH%/%USERSWEB%/UserProfileHeader/default-user-profile.jpg' }%" %IF{ "defined 'width'" then="width=\"%width%\" " }%%IF{ "defined 'height'" then="height=\"%height%\" " }%%IF{ "NOT defined 'width' AND NOT defined 'height'" then="height=\"24\" " }%alt="" /> %FORMFIELD{ "FirstName" topic="%USERSWEB%.%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%" default="%SPACEOUT{%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%}%" alttext="%SPACEOUT{%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%}%" }% %FORMFIELD{ "LastName" topic="%USERSWEB%.%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%" }% %CALCULATE{$GET(sExtra)}%]] </span>%ENDSECTION{"user_sig"}% <!--==============================================--> </div> ---++ Action: bubble_sig Show a faded comment bubble and user signature with profile picture, optionally followed by a date or other text. A default image is shown in case the image is not defined in the Image form field of the user. This is used for CommentPlugin signatures. * Action "bubble_sig": Show a user signature with profile picture. * Parameter =user=: !WikiWord of user, required. Optionally followed by a date or other text. In addition, a BUBBLESIG preferences setting is defined as a shortcut, so that a simple =%<nop>BUBBLESIG{%WIKINAME%}%= can be used. *Usage example:* <pre> Test comment using USERREPORT -- %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="bubble_sig" user="%WIKINAME% - %DATE%" }% Test comment using BUBBLESIG -- %<nop>BUBBLESIG{%WIKINAME% - %DATE%}% </pre> *Sample output:* %BR% Test comment using USERREPORT -- %USERREPORT{ action="bubble_sig" user="%WIKINAME% - %DATE%" }% Test comment using BUBBLESIG -- %BUBBLESIG{%WIKINAME% - %DATE%}% <div style="display:none;"> <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{"bubble_sig"}%%CALCULATE{$SET(sPos, $FIND( , %user%))$IF($GET(sPos)>0, $SET(sUser, $LEFTSTRING(%user%, $GET(sPos)))$SET(sExtra, $RIGHTSTRING(%user%, $INT($LENGTH(%user%)-$GET(sPos)))), $SET(sUser, %user%)$SET(sExtra,))$SET(sPos, $FIND(., $GET(sUser)))$IF($GET(sPos)>0, $SET(sUser, $RIGHTSTRING($GET(sUser), $INT($LENGTH($GET(sUser))-$GET(sPos)))),)$IF($EXACT($GET(sUserSigStyleSet),),<style> .userReportsSig { display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; padding: 0 2px 0 0; border: 1px solid #e8e8eb; background-color: #f4f4fa; -moz-box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #e8e8e8; -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #e8e8e8; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #e8e8e8; -moz-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; } .userReportsSig a:link { border: 0 none; } .userReportsSig img { vertical-align: middle; } .userReportsBubble { position: absolute; background-image: url(%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/UserReports/faded-bubble.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; margin-top: -57px; margin-left: -18px; width: 920px; height: 90px; z-index: -1; } </style>$SET(sUserSigStyleSet, 1))}%<span class="userReportsSig"> [[%USERSWEB%.%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%][<img src="%IF{ "'%FORMFIELD{ "Image" topic="%USERSWEB%.%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%" }%'!=''" then='%PUBURLPATH%/%USERSWEB%/%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%/%FORMFIELD{ "Image" topic="%USERSWEB%.%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%" }%' else='%PUBURLPATH%/%USERSWEB%/UserProfileHeader/default-user-profile.jpg' }%" %IF{ "defined 'width'" then="width=\"%width%\" " }%%IF{ "defined 'height'" then="height=\"%height%\" " }%%IF{ "NOT defined 'width' AND NOT defined 'height'" then="height=\"24\" " }%alt="" /> %FORMFIELD{ "FirstName" topic="%USERSWEB%.%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%" default="%SPACEOUT{%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%}%" alttext="%SPACEOUT{%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%}%" }% %FORMFIELD{ "LastName" topic="%USERSWEB%.%CALCULATE{$GET(sUser)}%" }% %CALCULATE{$GET(sExtra)}%]] </span><div class="userReportsBubble"></div><div style='height: 5px;'></div>%ENDSECTION{"bubble_sig"}% <!--==============================================--> </div> ---++ Action: slim_box <div style="float:right; width:297px; margin:0 0 10px 20px;"> <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/slim-box-example.png" alt="Slim box example" width="297" height="108" /> </div> Show slim, one line height user boxes. Several actions are provided: * Action "slim_box_css": Defines the style sheets of the slim boxes. Optionally include it once per page; it is done for you by the "slim_box_start" action if needed. * Action "slim_box_start": Defines the start of a set of slim boxes. * Parameter =style=: Optional, overrides the css of the container div of slim boxes. Default: =padding:0 5px 0 5px; background-color:#f0f0f4;=. * Action "slim_box": Show a single slim box. * Parameter =user=: Specify the !WikiWord of a single user. * Parameter =style=: Optional, overrides the css of the slim box. Default: =float: left; width: 130px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #f8f8fb;=. * Action "slim_box_list": Show a set of slim boxes. * Parameter =users=: Specify a list of !WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action. * Parameter =style=: Optional, same as action "slim_box". * Action "slim_box_end": Defines the end of a set of slim boxes. *Usage example:* <pre> %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_start" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="slim_box" user="%WIKINAME%" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="slim_box" user="JaneSmith" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_end" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_start" style="background-color: #f0f0e8;" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_list" users="UserOne, UserTwo, UserThree" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_end" }% </pre> *Sample output:* %BR% <noautolink> %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_start" }% %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box" user="%WIKINAME%" }% %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_list" users="%GET{UserReports_5_users}%" }% %USERREPORT{ action="slim_box_end" }% </noautolink> <div style="display:none;"> <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{slim_box_css}%<style> .userBoxSlim { float: left; width: 130px; height: 18px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #f8f8fb; display: inline-block; padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px; margin: 5px 9px 5px 0; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; font-size: 14px; white-space: nowrap; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #bbb; } .userBoxSlim a:link { border: 0 none; text-decoration: none; } </style>%SET{ "UserReports_slim_box_css_set" value="1" }%%ENDSECTION{slim_box_css}% <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{slim_box_start}%%IF{ "'%GET{UserReports_slim_box_css_set}%'='1'" else="$percntINCLUDE{ \"%TOPIC%\" section=\"slim_box_css\" }$percnt" }%<div style="padding:0 5px 0 5px; background-color:#f0f0f4; %IF{ "defined 'style'" then="%style%" }%">%ENDSECTION{slim_box_start}% <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{slim_box_end}%<div style="clear:left;"></div></div>%ENDSECTION{slim_box_end}% <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{slim_box_list}%%CALCULATE{$LISTJOIN($sp, $LISTMAP($NOP(%)INCLUDE{ "%SYSTEMWEB%.UserReports" section="slim_box" user="$item" }$NOP(%), %users%))}%%ENDSECTION{slim_box_list}% <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{slim_box}%<div class='userBoxSlim'%IF{ "defined 'style'" then=" style='%style%'" }%><a href='%SCRIPTURLPATH{view}%/%USERSWEB%/%user%'><img src='%IF{ "'%FORMFIELD{ "Image" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%'!=''" then='%PUBURLPATH%/%USERSWEB%/%user%/%FORMFIELD{ "Image" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%"}%' else='%PUBURLPATH%/%USERSWEB%/UserProfileHeader/default-user-profile.jpg' }%' alt='%user%' title='' height='18' align='left' style='margin: 0 3px 0 0;' /> %SPACEOUT{%user%}%</a></div>%ENDSECTION{slim_box}% <!--==============================================--> </div> ---++ Action: small_box <div style="float:right; width:439px; margin:0 0 10px 20px;"> <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/small-box-example.png" alt="Small box example" width="439" height="113" /> </div> Show small, two line height user boxes. Several actions are provided: * Action "small_box_css": Defines the style sheets of the small boxes. Optionally include it once per page; it is done for you by the "small_box_start" action if needed. * Action "small_box_start": Defines the start of a set of small boxes. * Parameter =style=: Optional, overrides the css of the container div of small boxes. Default: =padding:0 5px 0 5px; background-color:#f0f0f4;=. * Action "small_box": Show a single small box. * Parameter =user=: Specify the !WikiWord of a single user. * Parameter =style=: Optional, overrides the css of the small box. Default: =float: left; width: 130px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #f8f8fb;=. * Action "small_box_list": Show a set of small boxes. * Parameter =users=: Specify a list of !WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action. * Parameter =style=: Optional, same as action "small_box". * Action "small_box_end": Defines the end of a set of small boxes. *Usage example:* <pre> %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="small_box_start" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="small_box" user="%WIKINAME%" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="small_box" user="JaneSmith" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="small_box_end" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="small_box_start" style="background-color: #f0f0e8;" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="small_box_list" users="UserOne, UserTwo, UserThree" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="small_box_end" }% </pre> *Sample output:* %BR% <noautolink> %USERREPORT{ action="small_box_start" }% %USERREPORT{ action="small_box" user="%WIKINAME%" }% %USERREPORT{ action="small_box_list" users="%GET{UserReports_5_users}%" }% %USERREPORT{ action="small_box_end" }% </noautolink> <div style="display:none;"> <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{small_box_css}%<style> .userBox130 { float: left; width: 130px; height: 38px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #f8f8fb; display: inline-block; padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px; margin: 5px 9px 5px 0; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; font-size: 14px; line-height: 18px; box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #bbb; } .userBox130 a:link { border: 0 none; text-decoration: none; } </style>%SET{ "UserReports_small_box_css_set" value="1" }%%ENDSECTION{small_box_css}% <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{small_box_start}%%IF{ "'%GET{UserReports_small_box_css_set}%'='1'" else="$percntINCLUDE{ \"%TOPIC%\" section=\"small_box_css\" }$percnt" }%<div style="padding:0 5px 0 5px; background-color:#f0f0f4; %IF{ "defined 'style'" then="%style%" }%">%ENDSECTION{small_box_start}% <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{small_box_end}%<div style="clear:left;"></div></div>%ENDSECTION{small_box_end}% <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{small_box_list}%%CALCULATE{$LISTJOIN($sp, $LISTMAP($NOP(%)INCLUDE{ "%SYSTEMWEB%.UserReports" section="small_box" user="$item" }$NOP(%), %users%))}%%ENDSECTION{small_box_list}% <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{small_box}%<div class='userBox130'%IF{ "defined 'style'" then=" style='%style%'" }%><a href='%SCRIPTURLPATH{view}%/%USERSWEB%/%user%'><img src='%IF{ "'%FORMFIELD{ "Image" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%'!=''" then='%PUBURLPATH%/%USERSWEB%/%user%/%FORMFIELD{ "Image" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%"}%' else='%PUBURLPATH%/%USERSWEB%/UserProfileHeader/default-user-profile.jpg' }%' alt='%user%' title='' height='38' align='left' style='margin: 0 3px 0 0;' /> %SPACEOUT{%user%}%</a></div>%ENDSECTION{small_box}% <!--==============================================--> </div> ---++ Action: business_card <div style="float:right; width:439px; margin:0 0 10px 20px;"> <img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/business-card-example.png" alt="Business card example" width="439" height="174" /> </div> Show users in business card format. Several actions are provided: * Action "business_card_css": Defines the style sheets of the business cards. Optionally include it once per page; it is done for you by the "business_card_start" action if needed. * Action "business_card_start": Defines the start of a set of business cards. * Parameter =style=: Optional, overrides the css of the container div of business cards. Default: =padding:10px 15px 1px 15px; background-color:#f0f0f4;=. * Action "business_card": Show a single business card. * Parameter =user=: Specify the !WikiWord of a single user. * Parameter =style=: Optional, overrides the css of the business card. Default: =float: left; width: 410px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; background-color: #fff;=. * Action "business_card_list": Show a set of business cards. * Parameter =users=: Specify a list of !WikiWords of users. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action. * Parameter =style=: Optional, same as action "business_card". * Action "business_card_end": Defines the end of a set of business cards. *Usage examples:* <pre> %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="business_card_start" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="business_card" user="%WIKINAME%" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="business_card" user="JaneSmith" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="business_card_end" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="business_card_start" style="background-color: #f0f0e8;" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="business_card_list" users="UserOne, UserTwo, UserThree" }% %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="business_card_end" }% </pre> *Sample output:* %USERREPORT{ action="business_card_start" style="background-color: #f0f0e8;" }% %USERREPORT{ action="business_card_list" users="%GET{UserReports_5_users}%" }% %USERREPORT{ action="business_card_end" }% <div style="display:none;"> <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{business_card_css}%<style type="text/css"> .userBoxOuter { float: left; width: 410px; height: 150px; padding: 0; margin: 0px 15px 15px 0px; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; border-right-color: #707078; border-bottom-color: #707078; background-color: #fff; box-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #bbb; } .userBoxOuter :hover { border: solid 1px #707078; border-right-color: #303038; border-bottom-color: #303038; box-shadow: 3px 3px 6px #999; } .userBoxContainer { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0 none; } .userBoxContainer :hover { border: 0 none; } .userBoxImage { position: absolute; width: 124px; height: 124px; top: 10px; left: 10px; padding: 3px; background-color: #f0f0f8; border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; z-index: 0; overflow: hidden; } .userBoxImageH { height: 324px; display: table; width: 100%; margin: -100px 0; } .userBoxImageP { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; text-align: center; } </style> <!--[if IE]><style type="text/css"> .userBoxImageH { position: relative; } .userBoxImageP { position: absolute; top: 50%; } .userBoxImageC { position: relative; top: -50%; } .userBoxImage :hover { border: solid 1px #d0d0d8; } </style><![endif]--> <style type="text/css"> .userBoxImgMask { position: absolute; width: 130px; height: 3px; top: 11px; left: 11px; background-color: #f0f0f8; border: 0 none; z-index: 0; } .userBoxInfo { position: absolute; width: 236px; height: 130px; top: 10px; left: 160px; margin: 0; z-index: 0; white-space: nowrap; color: #333; overflow: hidden; } .userBoxName { font-weight: 600; font-size: 120%; color: #000; } .userBoxLinkC { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; z-index: 0; } .userBoxLink { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 10; } </style>%SET{ "UserReports_business_card_css_set" value="1" }%%ENDSECTION{business_card_css}% <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{business_card_start}%%IF{ "'%GET{UserReports_business_card_css_set}%'='1'" else="$percntINCLUDE{ \"%TOPIC%\" section=\"business_card_css\" }$percnt" }%<div style="padding:10px 15px 1px 15px; background-color:#f0f0f4; %IF{ "defined 'style'" then="%style%" }%">%ENDSECTION{business_card_start}% <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{business_card_end}%<div style="clear:left;"></div></div>%ENDSECTION{business_card_end}% <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{business_card_list}%%CALCULATE{$LISTJOIN($sp, $LISTMAP($NOP(%)INCLUDE{ "%SYSTEMWEB%.UserReports" section="business_card" user="$item" }$NOP(%), %users%))}%%ENDSECTION{business_card_list}% <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{business_card}%<noautolink> <div class="userBoxOuter"%IF{ "defined 'style'" then=" style=\"%style%\"" }%> <div class="userBoxContainer"> <div class="userBoxImage"> <div class="userBoxImageH"> <div class="userBoxImageP"> <div class="userBoxImageC"> <a href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{view}%/%USERSWEB%/%USER%"><img src="%IF{ "'%FORMFIELD{ "Image" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%'!=''" then='%PUBURLPATH%/%USERSWEB%/%user%/%FORMFIELD{ "Image" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%' else='%PUBURLPATH%/%USERSWEB%/UserProfileHeader/default-user-profile.jpg' }%" width="124" alt="" border="0" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="userBoxImgMask"> </div> <div class="userBoxImgMask" style="top: 138px;"> </div> <div class="userBoxInfo"> <span class="userBoxName">%FORMFIELD{ "FirstName" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }% %FORMFIELD{ "LastName" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%</span> %BR% %FORMFIELD{ "Titles" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%%IF{ "'%FORMFIELD{ "Titles" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%'!='' AND '%FORMFIELD{ "Department" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%'!=''" then=', '}% %FORMFIELD{ "Department" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }% %BR% %FORMFIELD{ "Organization" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%, %FORMFIELD{ "Location" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%, %FORMFIELD{ "Country" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }% %BR% %ICON{mail}% <nop>%FORMFIELD{ "Email" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }% %IF{ "'%FORMFIELD{ "Telephone" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%'!=''" then='%BR% %ICON{phone}% %FORMFIELD{ "Telephone" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%' }% %IF{ "'%FORMFIELD{ "Mobile" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%'!=''" then='%BR% %ICON{mobile}% %FORMFIELD{ "Mobile" topic="%USERSWEB%.%user%" }%' }% </div> <div class="userBoxLinkC"> <a href="%SCRIPTURLPATH{view}%/%USERSWEB%/%user%"><span class="userBoxLink"></span></a> </div> </div> </div> </noautolink>%ENDSECTION{business_card}% <!--==============================================--> </div> ---++ Action: select_one_user Show a selector to pick a user, for use in HTML forms. * Action "select_one_user": Selector to pick a user. * Parameter =name=: Name of form field, required. * Parameter =selected=: !WikiWord name of a user, optional. * Parameter =users=: Specify a list of !WikiWords of users, optional. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action. All registered users are shown if the parameter is missing. * Parameter =firstoption=: Label of first option, optional. Default: =Select...= * Parameter =firstvalue=: Value of first option, optional. Default: empty value *Usage example:* <pre> <form> %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="select_one_user" name="Owner" selected="%WIKINAME%" }% </form> </pre> *Sample output:* %BR% <form> %USERREPORT{ action="select_one_user" name="Owner" selected="%WIKINAME%" users="%GET{UserReports_100_users}%" }% </form> <div style="display:none;"> <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{select_one_user}%<select name="%name%"> <option value="%IF{ "defined 'firstvalue'" then="%firstvalue%" }%">%IF{ "defined 'firstoption'" then="%firstoption%" else="Select..." }%</option> %CALCULATE{$SET(selected_sp, $LISTJOIN($sp, %selected%))$LISTJOIN($sp, $LISTMAP(<option value='$item' $IF($FIND($item, $GET(selected_sp)), selected='selected')>$PROPERSPACE($item)</option>, %IF{ "defined 'users'" then="%users%" else="%IF{ "'%GET{UserReports_all_users}%'=''" then="$percntSET{ \"UserReports_all_users\" value=\"$percntINCLUDE{ $quot%SYSTEMWEB%.UserReports$quot section=$quotuser_list$quot }$percnt\" }$percnt" }%%GET{UserReports_all_users}%" }%))}% </select>%ENDSECTION{select_one_user}% <!--==============================================--> </div> ---++ Action: select_users <div style="float:right; width:410px; margin:0 0 10px 20px;"> <img src="%PUBURLPATH%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%/select-users-example.png" alt="Select users example" width="410" height="216" /> </div> Show rows of checkboxes to select users, for use in HTML forms. * Action "select_users": Set of checkboxes to select users. * Parameter =name=: Name of form field, required. * Parameter =selected=: List of !WikiWord names indicating the selected users, optional. * Parameter =users=: Specify a list of !WikiWords of users, optional. The list may be provided by including the "user_list" action. All registered users are shown if the parameter is missing. * Parameter =colums=: Define number of columns, optional. Default: =5= * Parameter =style=: Set the css of the container div, optional. Default: =margin: 0; border: 1px solid transparent;= *Usage example:* <pre> <form> %<nop>USERREPORT{ action="select_users" name="Members" selected="%WIKINAME%, AmandaBoris" }% </form> </pre> *Sample output:* %BR% <form> %USERREPORT{ action="select_users" name="Members" selected="%WIKINAME%, AmandaBoris" users="%GET{UserReports_100_users}%" style="background-color: #f0f0f4;" }% </form> <div style="display:none;"> <!--==============================================--> %STARTSECTION{select_users}%<style> .selectUsersTable { border: 0 none; padding: 0; } .selectUsersTable td { border: 0 none; padding: 0 1em 0 0; } </style> %IF{ "defined 'users'" then="$percntSET{ \"UserReports_the_users\" value=\"%users%\" }$percnt" else="%IF{ "'%GET{UserReports_all_users}%'=''" then="$percntSET{ \"UserReports_all_users\" value=\"$percntINCLUDE{ $quot%SYSTEMWEB%.UserReports$quot section=$quotuser_list$quot }$percnt\" }$percnt" }%$percntSET{ \"UserReports_the_users\" value=\"%GET{UserReports_all_users}%\" }$percnt" }%<div style="margin: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; %IF{ "defined 'style'" then="%style%" }%"><div style="margin: -1.5em 0 0 0; overflow: hidden;"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" callspacing="0" class="selectUsersTable"><tr><td valign='top'>%CALCULATE{$SET(selected_sp, $LISTJOIN($sp, %selected%))$SET(rows, $INT($EVAL(0.99999+$MAX(1, $LISTSIZE(%GET{UserReports_the_users}%))/%IF{ "defined 'columns'" then="%columns%" else="5" }%))) $LISTJOIN($sp, $LISTMAP(<br /><label style='white-space: nowrap'><input type='checkbox' name='%name%' value='$item' $IF($FIND($item, $GET(selected_sp)), checked='checked') class='twikiEditFormCheckboxField' /> $PROPERSPACE($item) </label>$IF($MOD($index, $GET(rows)), , </td><td valign='top'>), %GET{UserReports_the_users}%))}% </td></tr></table><input type="hidden" name="%name%" value="" /></div></div>%ENDSECTION{select_users}% <!--==============================================--> </div> __Note to Maintainer:__ * This topic has user report sections intended for TWiki application developers. * This topic uses more user friendly ParameterizedVariables =%<nop>USERREPORT{ action="foo" ... }%= instead of the more verbose parameterized include =%<nop>INCLUDE{ "%<nop>SYSTEMWEB%.UserReports" section="foo" ... }%=. * If you add a section to this topic, or add a parameter to a section, make sure to keep the parameterized variables settings in TWikiPreferences#ParameterizedVariables in sync. %INCLUDE{%USERSWEB%.UserListHeader}%, VarUSERREPORT, TWikiUserMappingContrib -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 2014-10-04
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Topic revision: r2 - 2014-10-04
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