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---+!! Color scheme settings for %SYSTEMWEB%.PatternSkin Use this topic to change the color settings of %SYSTEMWEB%.PatternSkin. When this topic is saved, the attachment =theme-colors.css= will be updated with new color values. This method relies on TWiki:Plugins.AttachContentPlugin to work. <nop>AttachContentPlugin is %IF{"context AttachContentPluginEnabled" then="" else="*not* "}%installed. ---++!! Usage ---+++!! Step 1 Let %SYSTEMWEB%.PatternSkin point to the custom-made colors style sheet. In [[%USERSWEB%.TWikiPreferences]] put: <verbatim> * Set USERCOLORSURL = %PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/PatternSkin/theme-colors.css </verbatim> ---+++!! Step 2 Edit this topic, and change the color variables as you like. ---+++!! Step 3 Save the topic. This will generate an [[%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/PatternSkin/theme-colors.css][attachment]] to topic [[PatternSkin]]. %IF{"context AttachContentPluginEnabled" then='<div class="twikiHelp"><a href="%SCRIPTURL{save}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%?action_save=1" class="twikiButton">Update the <nop>CSS file for this page now</a></div>'}% %ICON{"info"}% For more help on customizing styles, see [[PatternSkinCustomization]]. ---++!! Color variables %TOC% ---++ Logical groupings ---+++ Text ---++++ MAIN_TEXT_COLOR Main text color * Set MAIN_TEXT_COLOR = #000 ---++++ MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR Main background color * Set MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR = #fff ---++++ LIGHT_ON_DARK_TEXT_COLOR Light on dark text color * Set LIGHT_ON_DARK_TEXT_COLOR = #fff ---++++ GRAYED_TEXT_COLOR * Set GRAYED_TEXT_COLOR = #777 ---++++ GENERAL_TEXT General text (if not set in MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR) (black) * Set GENERAL_TEXT = #000 ---++++ HEADER_TEXT Header text * Set HEADER_TEXT = #630000 ---++++ CODE_TEXT Code text, left bar text and links * Set CODE_TEXT = #7A4707 ---++++ MUTED_TEXT Muted text (dark gray) * Set MUTED_TEXT = %GRAYED_TEXT_COLOR% ---++++ GRAYED_OUT_TEXT Grayed out text * Set GRAYED_OUT_TEXT = %GRAYED_TEXT_COLOR% ---+++ Links ---++++ LINK_TEXT_NORMAL Link normal text * Set LINK_TEXT_NORMAL = #4571d0 ---++++ LINK_BACKGROUND_NORMAL Link normal background * Set LINK_BACKGROUND_NORMAL = ---++++ LINK_TEXT_NORMAL_VISITED Link normal text visited * Set LINK_TEXT_NORMAL_VISITED = #666 ---++++ LINK_TEXT_ACTION_BUTTON Link text red (same as LINK_BACKGROUND_HOVER) * Set LINK_TEXT_ACTION_BUTTON = #be000a ---++++ LINK_TEXT_HOVER Link hover text * Set LINK_TEXT_HOVER = #fff ---++++ LINK_BACKGROUND_HOVER Link background hover * Set LINK_BACKGROUND_HOVER = #ce000f ---++++ SIDE_BAR_LINK_TEXT Side bar link text * Set SIDE_BAR_LINK_TEXT = #444 ---+++ Disabled ---++++ DISABLED_BORDER Disabled border * Set DISABLED_BORDER = #e0e0e0 ---++++ DISABLED_TEXT Disabled text * Set DISABLED_TEXT = #aaa ---++++ DISABLED_BACKGROUND Disabled background * Set DISABLED_BACKGROUND = #fafaf8 ---++++ BUTTON_BORDERS_DISABLED Disabled button borders * Set BUTTON_BORDERS_DISABLED = #fff #ccc #ccc #fff ---+++ 'New' ---++++ NEW_TEXT New text (green) * Set NEW_TEXT = #049804 ---++++ NEW_BACKGROUND New background (light green) * Set NEW_BACKGROUND = #ECFADC ---+++ Alert ---++++ ALERT_TEXT Alert text (red) * Set ALERT_TEXT = #f00 ---++++ ALERT_TEXT_MUTED Muted alert text (dark red) * Set ALERT_TEXT_MUTED = #900 ---++++ ALERT_BORDER Alert border * Set ALERT_BORDER = #f00 ---+++ Buttons ---++++ BUTTON_TEXT Button text color (dark gray) * Set BUTTON_TEXT = #000 ---++++ BUTTON_BORDERS Button borders * Set BUTTON_BORDERS = #fff #888 #888 #fff ---++++ BUTTON_BACKGROUND Button background * Set BUTTON_BACKGROUND = #e2e3e3 ---++++ BUTTON_CANCEL_BACKGROUND Cancel button background * Set BUTTON_CANCEL_BACKGROUND = #f2d5d0 ---++++ SUBMIT_BUTTON_BACKGROUND Submit button background * Set SUBMIT_BUTTON_BACKGROUND = #06c ---++++ SUBMIT_BUTTON_BORDER_TEXT Submit button text color * Set SUBMIT_BUTTON_BORDER_TEXT = #fff ---++++ SELECT_BORDER Select border * Set SELECT_BORDER = #888 ---+++ Background colors ---++++ GENERAL_BACKGROUND General background color (if not set in MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR) (white) * Set GENERAL_BACKGROUND = #fff ---++++ SIDE_BAR_BACKGROUND Side bar background * Set SIDE_BAR_BACKGROUND = #f6f6f6 ---++++ NEUTRAL_BACKGROUND * Set NEUTRAL_BACKGROUND = #fdfaf1 ---++++ TOP_BAR_BACKGROUND Top bar background * Set TOP_BAR_BACKGROUND = #fefcf7 ---++++ ATTACHMENT_AND_FORM_BACKGROUND Attachment, form * Set ATTACHMENT_AND_FORM_BACKGROUND = #f6f6f6 ---++++ TOPIC_ACTION_BACKGROUND Topic action row * Set TOPIC_ACTION_BACKGROUND = %ATTACHMENT_AND_FORM_BACKGROUND% ---++++ HEADER_BACKGROUND h2, h3 * Set HEADER_BACKGROUND = %TOPIC_ACTION_BACKGROUND% ---++++ DIFF_HEADER_BACKGROUND Diff header (dark gray) * Set DIFF_HEADER_BACKGROUND = #ccc ---++++ NOTIFICATION_BACKGROUND Info, broadcast message and notifications * Set NOTIFICATION_BACKGROUND = #ffe67b ---++++ INFO_BACKGROUND * Set INFO_BACKGROUND = %NOTIFICATION_BACKGROUND% ---+++ Border colors ---++++ NEUTRAL_BORDER Info (light gray) * Set NEUTRAL_BORDER = #ddd ---++++ SEPARATOR_BORDER * Set SEPARATOR_BORDER = #e2e2e2 ---++++ MINOR_SEPARATOR_BORDER Header H3..H6 bottom * Set MINOR_SEPARATOR_BORDER = %SEPARATOR_BORDER% ---++++ LAYOUT_ELEMENT_BORDER Main layout elements (neutral tone) * Set LAYOUT_ELEMENT_BORDER = #dadada ---++++ IMAGE_BORDER Image border * Set IMAGE_BORDER = #eee ---++++ FORM_STEP_BORDER Form step border * Set FORM_STEP_BORDER = %SEPARATOR_BORDER% ---++++ NOTIFICATION_BORDER Broadcast message * Set NOTIFICATION_BORDER = #ffdf4c ---++++ Table colors ---+++++ TABLE_DATA_BACKGROUND Table data background * Set TABLE_DATA_BACKGROUND = #f0f6f9 ---+++++ TABLE_HEADER_BACKGROUND Table header background * Set TABLE_HEADER_BACKGROUND = #6b7f93 ---+++++ TABLE_SELECTED_COLUMN_HEADER_BACKGROUND Sorted table column accent background * Set TABLE_SELECTED_COLUMN_HEADER_BACKGROUND = #345 ---+++++ TABLE_DATA_ODD_BACKGROUND Table data background (odd row) * Set TABLE_DATA_ODD_BACKGROUND = #f0f6fb ---+++++ TABLE_DATA_EVEN_BACKGROUND Table data background (even row) * Set TABLE_DATA_EVEN_BACKGROUND = #ffffff ---+++++ TABLE_DATA_ODD_SELECTED_BACKGROUND Table data background (odd row, selected column) * Set TABLE_DATA_ODD_SELECTED_BACKGROUND = #dce7ee ---+++++ TABLE_DATA_EVEN_SELECTED_BACKGROUND Table data background (even row, selected column) * Set TABLE_DATA_EVEN_SELECTED_BACKGROUND = #f5f5f5 ---+++++ TABLE_DATA_MIX_BACKGROUND Table data background (mix between even and odd) * Set TABLE_DATA_MIX_BACKGROUND = #f7fafc ---++++ TABLE_BORDER Table border, sup (light neutral tone) * Set TABLE_BORDER = #e2e2e2 ---++++ LINK_TEXT_NORMAL_TABLE_HEADER Table header link text * Set LINK_TEXT_NORMAL_TABLE_HEADER = #fff ---++++ LINK_TEXT_NORMAL_BORDER_TABLE_HEADER Table header link border * Set LINK_TEXT_NORMAL_BORDER_TABLE_HEADER = #bbb ---++++ LINK_TEXT_SORTED_TABLE_HEADER Sorted table header link text * Set LINK_TEXT_SORTED_TABLE_HEADER = #fff ---++++ LINK_TEXT_HOVER_TABLE_HEADER Table header link hover text * Set LINK_TEXT_HOVER_TABLE_HEADER = #fff ---++++ LINK_BORDER_TABLE_SELECTED_COLUMN_HEADER Link border in selected column header * Set LINK_BORDER_TABLE_SELECTED_COLUMN_HEADER = #999 ---+++ Forms ---++++ INPUT_FIELD_BORDERS Input field borders * Set INPUT_FIELD_BORDERS = #bbb #f2f2f2 #f2f2f2 #bbb ---++++ FORM_INPUT_BORDER Textarea, input and select (darker gray) * Set FORM_INPUT_BORDER = #aaa ---++++ FORM_BORDER Form (same as twikiTable border) * Set FORM_BORDER = #cfcfcf ---++++ ACTIVE_FORM_BACKGROUND Edit form, form steps * Set ACTIVE_FORM_BACKGROUND = #fbfbfb ---++++ FORMFIELD_ACTIVE Active form field * Set FORMFIELD_ACTIVE = #ffffe0 ---++++ FORM_HEADER_TEXT Header text on form background * Set FORM_HEADER_TEXT = #036 <!-- END OF COLOR VARIABLES --> Do not change the text below this line unless you know what you are doing! --- <verbatim> %STARTATTACH{"theme-colors.css" web="%SYSTEMWEB%" topic="PatternSkin"}% /* PatternSkin colors */ /* Generated by AttachContentPlugin from %WEB%.%TOPIC% */ /* LAYOUT ELEMENTS */ #patternTopBar { border-color:%SEPARATOR_BORDER%; background-color:%TOP_BAR_BACKGROUND%; } #patternMain { /* don't set a background here; use patternOuter */ } #patternOuter { background-color:%MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR%; /* Sets background of center col */ border-color:%LAYOUT_ELEMENT_BORDER%; } #patternLeftBar, #patternWrapper { background-color:%SIDE_BAR_BACKGROUND%; } #patternBottomBar { border-color:%SEPARATOR_BORDER%; } #patternBottomBarContents, #patternBottomBarContents a:link, #patternBottomBarContents a:visited { color:%GRAYED_OUT_TEXT%; } #patternBottomBarContents a:hover { color:%LINK_TEXT_HOVER%; } /* GENERAL HTML ELEMENTS */ html body { background-color:%MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR%; color:%MAIN_TEXT_COLOR%; } /* be kind to netscape 4 that doesn't understand inheritance */ body, p, li, ul, ol, dl, dt, dd, acronym, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { background-color:transparent; } hr { color:%SEPARATOR_BORDER%; background-color:%SEPARATOR_BORDER%; } pre, code, tt { color:%CODE_TEXT%; } blockquote { background-color:%ACTIVE_FORM_BACKGROUND%; border-color:%ACTIVE_FORM_BACKGROUND% %ACTIVE_FORM_BACKGROUND% %ACTIVE_FORM_BACKGROUND% %NEUTRAL_BORDER%; } blockquote h2 { background:none; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color:%HEADER_TEXT%; } h2 { background-color:%HEADER_BACKGROUND%; border-color:%MINOR_SEPARATOR_BORDER%; } h3, h4, h5, h6 { border-color:%MINOR_SEPARATOR_BORDER%; } /* to override old Render.pm coded font color style */ .twikiNewLink font { color:inherit; } .twikiNewLink a:link sup, .twikiNewLink a:visited sup { color:%MUTED_TEXT%; border-color:%NEUTRAL_BORDER%; } .twikiNewLink a:hover sup { background-color:%LINK_BACKGROUND_HOVER%; color:%LINK_TEXT_HOVER%; border-color:%LINK_BACKGROUND_HOVER%; } .twikiNewLink { border-color:%NEUTRAL_BORDER%; } :link:focus, :visited:focus, :link, :visited, :link:active, :visited:active { color:%LINK_TEXT_NORMAL%; background-color:transparent; } :link:hover, :visited:hover { color:%LINK_TEXT_HOVER%; background-color:%LINK_BACKGROUND_HOVER%; background-image:none; } :link:hover img, :visited:hover img { background-color:transparent; } .patternTopic a:visited { color:%LINK_TEXT_NORMAL_VISITED%; } .patternTopic a:hover { color:%LINK_TEXT_HOVER%; } #patternMainContents h1 a:link, #patternMainContents h1 a:visited, #patternMainContents h2 a:link, #patternMainContents h2 a:visited, #patternMainContents h3 a:link, #patternMainContents h3 a:visited, #patternMainContents h4 a:link, #patternMainContents h4 a:visited, #patternMainContents h5 a:link, #patternMainContents h5 a:visited, #patternMainContents h6 a:link, #patternMainContents h6 a:visited { color:%HEADER_TEXT%; } #patternMainContents h1 a:hover, #patternMainContents h2 a:hover, #patternMainContents h3 a:hover, #patternMainContents h4 a:hover, #patternMainContents h5 a:hover, #patternMainContents h6 a:hover { color:%LINK_TEXT_HOVER%; } .patternTopic .twikiUnvisited a:visited { color:%LINK_TEXT_NORMAL%; } .patternTopic .twikiUnvisited a:hover { color:%LINK_TEXT_HOVER%; } /* Form elements */ textarea, input, select { border-color:%FORM_INPUT_BORDER%; color:%MAIN_TEXT_COLOR%; background-color:%GENERAL_BACKGROUND%; } .twikiSubmit, .twikiButton { border-color:%BUTTON_BORDERS%; } .twikiSubmit { color:%SUBMIT_BUTTON_BORDER_TEXT%; background-color:%SUBMIT_BUTTON_BACKGROUND%; } .twikiButton { color:%BUTTON_TEXT%; background-color:%BUTTON_BACKGROUND%; } .twikiButtonCancel { color:%BUTTON_TEXT%; background-color:%BUTTON_CANCEL_BACKGROUND%; } .twikiSubmitDisabled, .twikiSubmitDisabled:active { border-color:%BUTTON_BORDERS_DISABLED%; color:%DISABLED_TEXT%; background-color:%ACTIVE_FORM_BACKGROUND%; } .twikiTextarea, .twikiInputField, .twikiInputFieldDisabled, .twikiInputFieldReadOnly, .twikiSelect { border-color:%INPUT_FIELD_BORDERS%; } .twikiTextarea, .twikiInputField, .twikiSelect { color:%MAIN_TEXT_COLOR%; background-color:%MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR%; } .twikiInputField:active, .twikiInputField:focus, .twikiInputFieldFocus { background-color:%FORMFIELD_ACTIVE%; } .twikiTextareaRawView { color:%GENERAL_TEXT%; } .twikiInputFieldDisabled { color:%DISABLED_TEXT%; background-color:%DISABLED_BACKGROUND%; } .twikiInputFieldReadOnly { color:%GRAYED_TEXT_COLOR%; } .twikiSelect { border-color:%INPUT_FIELD_BORDERS%; color:%MAIN_TEXT_COLOR%; background-color:%MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR%; } .twikiInputFieldDisabled, .twikiSelectDisabled { color:%DISABLED_TEXT%; border-color:%INPUT_FIELD_BORDERS%; background-color:%DISABLED_BACKGROUND%; } .twikiInputFieldBeforeFocus { color:%MUTED_TEXT%; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- Plugin elements ----------------------------------------------------------- */ /* TablePlugin */ .twikiTable, .twikiTable td, .twikiTable th { border-color:%TABLE_BORDER%; } .twikiTable th a:link, .twikiTable th a:visited, .twikiTable th a font { color:%LINK_TEXT_NORMAL_TABLE_HEADER%; } /* TwistyContrib */ .twistyPlaceholder { color:%GRAYED_OUT_TEXT%; } a:hover.twistyTrigger { color:%LINK_TEXT_HOVER%; } /* TipsContrib */ .tipsOfTheDay { } /* RevCommentPlugin */ .revComment .patternTopicAction { background-color:%ATTACHMENT_AND_FORM_BACKGROUND%; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- TWiki styles ----------------------------------------------------------- */ .twikiGrayText { color:%GRAYED_OUT_TEXT%; } .twikiGrayText a:link, .twikiGrayText a:visited { color:%GRAYED_OUT_TEXT%; } .twikiGrayText a:hover { color:%LINK_TEXT_HOVER%; } table.twikiFormTable th.twikiFormTableHRow, table.twikiFormTable td.twikiFormTableRow { color:%MUTED_TEXT%; } .twikiEditForm { color:%MAIN_TEXT_COLOR%; } .twikiEditForm .twikiFormTable, .twikiEditForm .twikiFormTable th, .twikiEditForm .twikiFormTable td { border-color:%TABLE_BORDER%; } /* use a different table background color mix: no odd/even rows, no white background */ .twikiEditForm .twikiFormTable td { background-color:%TABLE_DATA_MIX_BACKGROUND%; } .twikiEditForm .twikiFormTable th { background-color:%TABLE_DATA_ODD_BACKGROUND%; } .patternContent .twikiAttachments, .patternContent .twikiForm { background-color:%ATTACHMENT_AND_FORM_BACKGROUND%; border-color:%TABLE_BORDER%; } .twikiAttachments table, table.twikiFormTable { border-color:%TABLE_BORDER%; background-color:%MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR%; } .twikiAttachments table { background-color:%MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR%; } .twikiAttachments td, .twikiAttachments th { border-color:%TABLE_BORDER%; } .twikiAttachments .twikiTable th font, table.twikiFormTable th.twikiFormTableHRow font { color:%LINK_TEXT_NORMAL%; } .twikiFormSteps { background-color:%ACTIVE_FORM_BACKGROUND%; border-color:%FORM_STEP_BORDER%; } .twikiFormStep { border-color:%FORM_STEP_BORDER%; } .twikiFormStep h3, .twikiFormStep h4 { color:%FORM_HEADER_TEXT%; } .twikiFormStep h3, .twikiFormStep h4 { background-color:transparent; } .twikiActionFormStepSign { color:%FORM_HEADER_TEXT%; } .twikiToc .twikiTocTitle { color:%MUTED_TEXT%; } .twikiBroadcastMessage { background-color:%NOTIFICATION_BACKGROUND%; } .twikiNotification { background-color:%NOTIFICATION_BACKGROUND%; } #twikiLogin .patternLoginNotification { background-color:%MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR%; border-color:%ALERT_BORDER%; } .twikiHelp { background-color:%INFO_BACKGROUND%; } .twikiHelp { background-color:%ATTACHMENT_AND_FORM_BACKGROUND%; border-color:%SEPARATOR_BORDER%; } .twikiBroadcastMessage b, .twikiBroadcastMessage strong { color:%ALERT_TEXT%; } .twikiAlert, .twikiAlert code { color:%ALERT_TEXT%; } .twikiEmulatedLink { color:%LINK_TEXT_NORMAL%; } .twikiPageForm table { border-color:%TABLE_BORDER%; background:%MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR%; } .twikiPageForm hr { border-color:%FORM_BORDER%; background-color:%FORM_BORDER%; color:%FORM_BORDER%; } .twikiAccessKey { color:inherit; border-color:%GRAYED_OUT_TEXT%; } a:link .twikiAccessKey, a:visited .twikiAccessKey { color:inherit; } a:hover .twikiAccessKey { color:inherit; } .twikiImage img { border-color:%IMAGE_BORDER%; background-color:%MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR%; } #patternTopBar .twikiImage img { background-color:transparent; } .twikiImage a:hover img { border-color:%LINK_BACKGROUND_HOVER%; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- Pattern skin specific elements ----------------------------------------------------------- */ #patternPage { background-color:%MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR%; } .patternHomePath a:link, .patternHomePath a:visited { border-color:%NEUTRAL_BORDER%; color:%LINK_TEXT_NORMAL_VISITED%; } .patternTop a:hover { border:none; color:%LINK_TEXT_HOVER%; } .patternHomePath .patternRevInfo, .patternHomePath .patternRevInfo a:link, .patternHomePath .patternRevInfo a:visited { color:%GRAYED_OUT_TEXT%; } .patternHomePath .patternRevInfo a:hover { color:%LINK_TEXT_HOVER%; } /* Left bar */ #patternLeftBarContents { color:%GENERAL_TEXT%; } #patternLeftBarContents hr { color:%FORM_STEP_BORDER%; background-color:%FORM_STEP_BORDER%; } #patternLeftBarContents a:link, #patternLeftBarContents a:visited { color:%SIDE_BAR_LINK_TEXT%; } #patternLeftBarContents a:hover { color:%LINK_TEXT_HOVER%; } #patternLeftBarContents .patternLeftBarPersonal, #patternLeftBarContents .patternWebIndicator { border-color:#dadada; } #patternLeftBarContents b, #patternLeftBarContents strong { color:%HEADER_TEXT%; } .patternTopicActions { border-color:%TABLE_BORDER%; background-color:%TOPIC_ACTION_BACKGROUND%; color:%MUTED_TEXT%; } .patternTopicAction { border-color:%TABLE_BORDER%; } .patternTopicAction s, .patternTopicAction strike { color:%DISABLED_TEXT%; } .patternTopicAction .twikiSeparator { color:%SEPARATOR_BORDER%; } .patternActionButtons a:link, .patternActionButtons a:visited { color:%LINK_TEXT_ACTION_BUTTON%; } .patternActionButtons a:hover { color:%LINK_TEXT_HOVER%; } .patternTopicAction .twikiAccessKey { color:%LINK_TEXT_ACTION_BUTTON%; border-color:%LINK_TEXT_ACTION_BUTTON%; } .patternTopicAction a:hover .twikiAccessKey { color:%LINK_TEXT_HOVER%; } .patternTopicAction label { color:%GENERAL_TEXT%; } .patternHelpCol { color:%GRAYED_OUT_TEXT%; } .patternSigLine { color:%MUTED_TEXT%; } .patternToolBar a:link .twikiAccessKey, .patternToolBar a:visited .twikiAccessKey { color:inherit; border-color:%LINK_TEXT_NORMAL_VISITED%; } .patternToolBar a:hover .twikiAccessKey { background-color:transparent; color:inherit; border-color:%LINK_TEXT_NORMAL_VISITED%; } .patternSaveHelp { background-color:%MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR%; } /* WebSearch, WebSearchAdvanced */ table#twikiSearchTable { border-color:%FORM_STEP_BORDER%; } table#twikiSearchTable th, table#twikiSearchTable td { background-color:%GENERAL_BACKGROUND%; border-color:%FORM_STEP_BORDER%; } table#twikiSearchTable hr { border-color:%FORM_STEP_BORDER%; background-color:%FORM_STEP_BORDER%; } table#twikiSearchTable th { color:%MAIN_TEXT_COLOR%; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- Search results styles and overridden styles used in search.pattern.tmpl ----------------------------------------------------------- */ h3.patternSearchResultsHeader, h4.patternSearchResultsHeader { background-color:%ATTACHMENT_AND_FORM_BACKGROUND%; border-color:%SEPARATOR_BORDER%; } h4.patternSearchResultsHeader { color:%MAIN_TEXT_COLOR%; } .patternNoViewPage h4.patternSearchResultsHeader { color:%HEADER_TEXT%; } .patternSearchResult .twikiBottomRow { border-color:%MINOR_SEPARATOR_BORDER%; } .patternSearchResult .twikiAlert { color:%ALERT_TEXT%; } .patternSearchResult .twikiSummary .twikiAlert { color:%ALERT_TEXT_MUTED%; } .patternSearchResult .twikiNew { background-color:%NEW_BACKGROUND%; border-color:%NEW_TEXT%; color:%NEW_TEXT%; } .patternViewPage .patternSearchResultsBegin { border-color:%TABLE_BORDER%; } /* Search results in book view format */ .patternBookView .twikiTopRow { background-color:transparent; /* set to WEBBGCOLOR in css.pattern.tmpl */ color:%MUTED_TEXT%; } .patternBookView .twikiBottomRow { border-color:%TABLE_BORDER%; } .patternBookView .patternSearchResultCount { color:%GRAYED_OUT_TEXT%; } /* edit.pattern.tmpl */ /* preview.pattern.tmpl */ .twikiPreviewArea { border-color:%ALERT_BORDER%; background-color:%MAIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR%; } /* rdiff.pattern.tmpl */ .patternDiff { border-color:%TABLE_HEADER_BACKGROUND%; } #patternMainContents .patternDiff h4.patternSearchResultsHeader { background-color:%TABLE_HEADER_BACKGROUND%; color:%LIGHT_ON_DARK_TEXT_COLOR%; } #patternMainContents .patternDiff h4.patternSearchResultsHeader a:link, #patternMainContents .patternDiff h4.patternSearchResultsHeader a:visited { color:%LIGHT_ON_DARK_TEXT_COLOR%; } tr.twikiDiffDebug td { border-color:%TABLE_BORDER%; } .patternDiffPage .twikiDiffTable th { background-color:%DIFF_HEADER_BACKGROUND%; } /* Changed */ .twikiDiffChangedHeader, tr.twikiDiffDebug .twikiDiffChangedText, tr.twikiDiffDebug .twikiDiffChangedText { background:#9f9; /* green - do not change */ } /* Deleted */ .twikiDiffDeletedHeader, tr.twikiDiffDebug .twikiDiffDeletedMarker, tr.twikiDiffDebug .twikiDiffDeletedText { background-color:#f99; /* red - do not change */ } /* Added */ .twikiDiffAddedHeader, tr.twikiDiffDebug .twikiDiffAddedMarker, tr.twikiDiffDebug .twikiDiffAddedText { background-color:#ccf; /* violet - do not change */ } /* Unchanged */ tr.twikiDiffDebug .twikiDiffUnchangedText { color:%GRAYED_OUT_TEXT%; } .twikiDiffUnchangedTextContents { } .twikiDiffLineNumberHeader { background-color:%DIFF_HEADER_BACKGROUND%; } /* IMAGES */ /* image positions are set here as well as these are dependent on the image */ h2, .patternTopicAction { background-image:url(bg_action_gradient.gif); background-repeat:repeat-x; } .twikiToc li { background-image:url(bullet-toc.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:0 .4em; } #patternOuter, #patternTopBar { /* gradient yellow of left bar and main */ background-image:url(bg_outer_gradient.gif); background-repeat:repeat-x; } .patternPrintPage #patternOuter { background:#fff; /* white - do not change */ } .twikiPageForm table, table#twikiSearchTable td.twikiFirstRow { background-image:url(form_gradient.gif); background-repeat:repeat-x; background-color:#f5f5f5; } .twikiSubmit, .twikiSubmitDisabled { background-image:url(bg_submit_gradient.gif); background-repeat:repeat-x; } .twikiSubmit, a.twikiSubmit:link, a.twikiSubmit:visited { background-position:0px 0px; background-color:#06c; border-color:#abcdf0 #0048b8 #0048b8 #abcdf0; color:#fff; } .twikiSubmit:hover, a.twikiSubmit:hover { background-position:0px -80px; background-color:#0047b7; border-color:#98bce9 #0031a4 #0031a4 #98bce9; color:#fff; } .twikiSubmit:active, a.twikiSubmit:active { background-position:0px -160px; background-color:#73ace6; border-color:#0031a4 #98bce9 #98bce9 #0031a4; color:#fff; } .twikiSubmitDisabled, .twikiSubmitDisabled:hover, .twikiSubmitDisabled:active { background-position:0px -240px; background-color:#d9e8f7; border-color:#f5f9fd #ccc #ccc #f5f9fd; color:#ccc; } .twikiButton, a.twikiButton:link, a.twikiButton:visited { background-image:url(bg_button_gradient.gif); background-repeat:repeat-x; background-position:0px 0px; border-color:#f8f6ec #b8b6ad #b8b6ad #f8f6ec; background-color:#dbd9cf; color:#333; } .twikiChangeFormButtonHolder .twikiButton { background-color:#fff; background-image:none; color:#06c; } .twikiChangeFormButtonHolder .twikiButton:hover, .twikiChangeFormButtonHolder .twikiButton:active { background-image:url(bg_button_gradient.gif); background-repeat:repeat-x; } .twikiButton:hover, .twikiChangeFormButtonHolder .twikiButton:hover, a.twikiButton:hover { background-position:0px -80px; border-color:#f4f2eb #a3a092 #a3a092 #f4f2eb; background-color:#c2bfae; color:#222; } .twikiButton:active, .twikiChangeFormButtonHolder .twikiButton:active, a.twikiButton:active { background-position:0px -160px; border-color:#a3a092 #f4f2eb #f4f2eb #a3a092; background-color:#e8e5d7; color:#222; } .twikiButtonDisabled, .twikiButtonDisabled:hover, .twikiButtonDisabled:active { background-image:url(bg_button_gradient.gif); background-repeat:repeat-x; background-position:0px -240px; border-color:#fcfbf9 #e3e2dd #e3e2dd #fcfbf9; background-color:#edece6; color:#bbb; } .twikiButtonCancel { background-image:url(bg_buttoncancel_gradient.gif); background-repeat:repeat-x; background-position:0px 0px; border-color:#f3ddd7 #b5706a #b5706a #f3ddd7; background-color:#cc867f; color:#333; } .twikiButtonCancel:hover { background-position:0px -80px; border-color:#eacac1 #9f564f #9f564f #eacac1; background-color:#b26259; color:#222; } .twikiButtonCancel:active { background-position:0px -160px; border-color:#9f564f #eacac1 #eacac1 #9f564f; background-color:#e5bdb1; color:#222; } .patternToolBar span a:link, .patternToolBar span a:visited, .patternToolBar span s, .patternToolBar span strike { background-image:url(bg_button_small_gradient.gif); background-repeat:repeat-x; } .patternToolBar span a:link, .patternToolBar span a:visited { background-position:0px 0px; border-color:#f8f6ec #b8b6ad #b8b6ad #f8f6ec; background-color:#dbd9cf; color:#333; } .patternToolBar span a:hover { background-position:0px -80px; 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