Development of scintillators


*Thallium based scintillators

The Characterization of new Eu2+ doped TlSr2I5 Scintillator Crystals H. J. Kim, Gul Rooh, Arshad Khan, H. Park, Sunghwan Kim

Intrinsically activated TlCaCl3: A new halide scintillator for radiation detection Arshad Khan, Gul Rooh, H.J. Kim, H. Park, Sunghwan Kim, Radiation Measurements xxx (2017) 1-4

TlSr2Br5: New intrinsic scintillator for X-ray and gamma-ray detection Gul Rooh, Arshad Khan, H.J. Kim, H. Park, Sunghwan Kim, Optical Materials 73, pp.523-526, 2017

Crystal growth and scintillation characterizations of Tl2LiYCl6: Ce3+ Gul Rooh, H.J. Kim, H. Park, Sunghwan Kim, Journal of Crystal Growth 459 (2017) 163–166

Tl2LaCl5 (Ce3+): New fast and efficient scintillator or X-and gamma-ray detection H.J. Kim, Gul Rooh, Sunghwan Kim, Journal ofLuminescence186 (2017) 219–222

Scintillation characterizations of Tl2LiLuCl6: Ce3+ single crystal Gul Rooh, H.J.Kim, Jonghun Jang, Sunghwan Kim, Journal ofLuminescence187 (2017) 347–351

New Tl2LaBr5: Ce3+ crystal scintillator for gamma-ray detection. H.J. Kim, Gul Rooh, Ashard Khan, and S.H. Kim, NIM A, vol. 849, pp.72-75, March 2017.

Investigations of scintillation characterization of Ce-activated Tl2LiGdBr6 single crystal. H.J. Kim, Gul Rooh, H.Park, Sunghwan Kim, Radiation Measurements 90 (2016) 279-281.

Luminescence and scintillation properties of the new Ce-doped Tl2LiGdCl6 single crystals H.J. Kim, Gul Rooh, H.Park, Sunghwan Kim, Journal of Luminescence164 (2015) 86–89.

Tl2LiYCl6 (Ce3+): New Tl-based Elpasolite Scintillation Material H. J. Kim, Gul Rooh, H. Park, and Sunghwan Kim, VOL. 63, NO. 2, APRIL 2016.

,-- Jeongmin Park - 2016-03-20

,-- Minjeong Kim - 2016-06-03

,-- Ju Kyung Son - 2016-06-03


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PDFpdf 2011.3.11_NIMA_632,1,47.pdf r1 manage 577.2 K 2016-06-03 - 07:59 MinjeongKim BaCl2 crystal test at low temp.
PDFpdf ICABU1010-0034.pdf r1 manage 6492.3 K 2016-03-20 - 06:09 JeongminPark  
PDFpdf ISORD4_mjkim.pdf r1 manage 222.1 K 2016-06-03 - 08:01 MinjeongKim APD paper
PDFpdf JKPS_JMPARK.pdf r1 manage 683.8 K 2016-03-20 - 06:12 JeongminPark  
PDFpdf Journal_of_Luminescence_146_(201402)_157161.pdf r1 manage 1384.5 K 2016-03-20 - 06:07 JeongminPark  
PDFpdf New_Physics_66_4_2016.pdf r1 manage 912.0 K 2016-06-03 - 10:00 JukyungSon HgMoO4 powder
PDFpdf article.pdf r1 manage 6492.5 K 2016-03-20 - 06:11 JeongminPark  
PDFpdf ieee2013_csi_na_ba.pdf r1 manage 743.9 K 2016-06-03 - 08:00 MinjeongKim CsI_Na_Ba crystal
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