Difference: SourceCode (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72007-03-03 - TWikiContributor

Line: 456 to 456
This package has smell factor of 10
This package has smell factor of 9


Line: 555 to 555
  This package has smell factor of 2


Forking implementation of the RCS cache search.

search($searchString, $topics, $options, $sDir) -> \%seen

Search .txt files in $dir for $string. See RcsFile::searchInWebContent for details.

This package has smell factor of 2


Native implementation of the RCS cache search. Requires tools/native_search to be built and installed.

search($searchString, $topics, $options, $sDir) -> \%seen

Search .txt files in $dir for $string. See RcsFile::searchInWebContent for details.

Rude and crude, this makes no attempt to handle UTF-8.

This package doesn't smell


Pure perl implementation of the RCS cache search.

search($searchString, $topics, $options, $sDir) -> \%seen

Search .txt files in $dir for $string. See RcsFile::searchInWebContent for details.

This package doesn't smell



Support for the TWiki template language.

Line: 738 to 777
 This package has smell factor of 3
There were a total of 199 smells
There were a total of 200 smells
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