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This table is updated automatically based on WebPreferences settings of the individual webs. |
All Admin Tools Category topics
- BackupRestoreConsole: Related Topics: BackupRestorePlugin, .AdminToolsCategory
- BackupRestorePlugin: This is a solution to backup, restore, and upgrade TWiki sites. It can be used via the browser and on...
- BulkRegistration: Administrators can use this topic to register (i.e. create logins and user topics) for a group of people...
- ChangeEmailAddress: This form is used to change your registered e mail addresses. Your registered e mails are used by TWiki...
- EditUserAccount: WikiName of user: find users Related topics: ManagingUsers, QueryUsers, AdminToolsCategory
- InstalledPlugins: Plugins are mainly user contributed add ons that enhance and extend TWiki features and capabilities....
- ManagingUsers: Register users on your TWiki site; change/reset/install passwords; remove user accounts Some of the...
- ManagingWebs: Adding, renaming and deleting webs are all web based operations. Overview A TWikiSite is divided into...
- QueryUsers: Find users: show all clear Related topics: ManagingUsers, EditUserAccount, AdminToolsCategory...
- ResetPassword: Remember your password? Use 1 instead. Otherwise, use this form to get a new one e mailed to you...
- SiteMap: TWiki is divided up into webs, also known as workspaces or collaboration spaces. Web Description...
- SitePermissions: Web Sitemap VIEW CHANGE RENAME Listed DENY ALLOW DENY ALLOW...
- SiteStatisticsFooter: Legend: Webs Total : Number of webs, excluding template webs Webs Viewed : Number of webs...
- TemplateWeb: Template webs contain a set of default topics and act as templates when creating a new web. Names of...
- TWikiReferenceManual: Documentation for webmasters, system administrators, project managers, team leaders, and all other users...
- TWikiSiteTools: Utilities for searching, navigation, and monitoring site activity TWiki Site Tools include utilities...
- WebHome: The place to learn about TWiki features and perform TWiki system maintenance. TWiki is a flexible,...
- WebLeftBar: 1 Web Users Groups Index Search Changes Notifications...
- WebTopMenu: This topic defines the menu structure of the TWiki web, used by the TopMenuSkin . 1...
Administrators can enable and disable plugins using configure.
- SpreadSheetPlugin (2014-09-23, $Rev: 28087 (2014-10-05) $): Add spreadsheet calculation like
"$SUM( $ABOVE() )" to TWiki tables or anywhere in topic text - BackupRestorePlugin (2013-02-16, $Rev: 26767 (2014-10-05) $): Administrator utility to backup, restore and upgrade a TWiki site
- ColorPickerPlugin (2013-02-15, $Rev: 26769 (2014-10-05) $): Color picker, packaged for use in TWiki forms and TWiki applications
- CommentPlugin (2013-02-10, $Rev: 26771 (2014-10-05) $): Quickly post comments to a page without an edit/preview/save cycle
- DatePickerPlugin (2013-09-04, $Rev: 26773 (2014-10-05) $): Pop-up calendar with date picker, for use in TWiki forms, HTML forms and TWiki plugins
- EditTablePlugin (2013-12-03, $Rev: 26775 (2014-10-05) $): Edit TWiki tables using edit fields, date pickers and drop down boxes
- HeadlinesPlugin (2013-11-18, $Rev: 26779 (2014-10-05) $): Show headline news in TWiki pages based on RSS and ATOM news feeds from external sites
- InterwikiPlugin (2014-10-03, $Rev: 28176 (2014-10-05) $): Write
ExternalSite:Page to link to a page on an external site based on aliases defined in a rules topic - JQueryPlugin (2014-09-03, $Rev: 28041 (2014-10-05) $): jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
- PreferencesPlugin (2014-05-30, $Rev: 27577 (2014-10-05) $): Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a form
- SetGetPlugin (2013-01-28, $Rev: 26789 (2014-10-05) $): Set and get variables in topics, optionally persistently across topic views
- SlideShowPlugin (2013-04-07, $Rev: 26791 (2014-10-05) $): Create web based presentations based on topics with headings.
- SmiliesPlugin (2013-01-13, $Rev: 26793 (2014-10-05) $): Render smilies as icons, like
:-) as or :eek: as - TablePlugin (2014-01-21, $Rev: 26935 (2014-10-05) $): Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
- TagMePlugin (2014-05-15, $Rev: 27386 (2014-10-05) $): Tag wiki content collectively or authoritatively to find content by keywords
- TinyMCEPlugin (2013-09-18, $Rev: 26799 (2014-10-05) $): Integration of the Tiny MCE WYSIWYG Editor
- TwistyPlugin (2013-03-22, $Rev: 26803 (2014-10-05) $): Twisty section JavaScript library to open/close content dynamically
- WatchlistPlugin (2014-05-20, $Rev: 27429 (2014-10-05) $): Watch topics of interest and get notified of changes by e-mail
- WysiwygPlugin (2013-09-18, $Rev: 27021 (2014-10-05) $): Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors
see also: TWikiPlugins
TWiki Version
- TWiki engine: TWiki-6.0.1, Sun, 05 Oct 2014, build 28207
- Plugin API: 6.01
Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory |